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This documentary highlights the horrors of the sex trade in multiple countries across the world.

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A documentary about sex trafficking in the United States

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A young British girl runs away with a boy only to be trafficked by him in order to pay off his debts.

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This books brings to attention that slavery still exists in the form of trafficking, and that it exists in the United States, as well as in other countries.

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A story of a girl who was trafficked in her own neighborhood

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This book emphasizes the types of human trafficking other than sex trafficking, such as labor trafficking, child brides, and child soldiers

Malarek discusses the men who buy sex (johns) in order to explore the world of women of who have been trafficked into prostitution

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A man went undercover to investigate sex trafficking

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A girl from Nepal was sold into a brothel in India, and plotted her escape

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Describes the reality of labor trafficking and immigration in the United States
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